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Friday, 21 January 2011

Sexi Goat

Here's a picture of some goats I did for 'escape from goat city'. It features the goat lady on the left. She's the one with the furry goat tits.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Beware Hot Things

Here's a comic explaining what happens when you go to lift a heavy sauce pan that's just come out of the oven. This is pretty much what i did last night for an evening's entertainment. The palm of my hand has now been cooked like a delicious side of pork.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Narwhal: Greatest living animal

Here is a picture of a Cat and a Narwhal. I added the cat to the picture so that people don't get confused. these things can be very confusing. If you find the writing difficult to read it says Cat and Narwhal, I'm not telling you in what order though. That would be cheating.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Skeleton Boy: The Movie

You have no idea how difficult it was to put this together using only paint...... if only I had photoshop at my disposal when i decided to make it, it could have been done in about ten minutes.......... what I wouldn't give to have layers in paint! Anyhow, here's a poster for a movie that will never happen. It actually makes me sad inside when i look at it. Maybe I could send this to pixar...